ICD will take proactive steps to protect the workplace in the event of an infectious disease outbreak.
Employees are encouraged to obtain proper immunizations for any infectious disease where an immunization exists.
ICD will designate a committee to monitor and coordinate events around an infectious disease outbreak, as well as create work rules that could be implemented to promote safety through infection control. The committee will consist of the CEO, CFO, VP Operations, VP Business Development, Director of HSE, and HR Manager.
- LOW RISK – Planning and Prevention
- ICD will ensure a clean workplace, include the regular cleaning of objects and areas that are frequently used, such as bathrooms, breakrooms, conference rooms, door handles and railings. Refer to 3.5.8 Disinfecting and Cleaning Protocols.
- We ask that all employees cooperate in taking steps to reduce the transmission of infectious disease in the workplace. The best strategy remains the most obvious – frequent hand washing with warm, soapy water; covering your mouth with a tissue or inside of elbow when sneezing or coughing; and discarding used tissues in wastebaskets.
- Normal attendance and leave policies will remain in place.
- Nonessential travel should be avoided especially to areas where infection rates are high, and large crowds / gatherings shall be avoided.
- MEDIUM RISK – Wide-Spread Community Outbreak
- ICD will continue daily, consistent, approved cleaning procedures and practices to minimize the risk of exposure to any potential germs and viruses in all ICD locations.
- ICD will communicate to all employees and customers as needed regarding our ongoing plans to remain a safe and healthy work environment during this time. Immediate communication will be sent out regarding urgent matters.
- Support based residents will be encouraged to take all necessary items (such as laptops and chargers) to and from home each day.
- Rig and support based commuters will be encouraged to take all personal items home with them at the end of each hitch.
- At the first sign of illness, employees will be required to contact a medical professional. If an employee falls ill at work, ICD will assist in getting that employee immediate medical attention.
- HIGH RISK – Suspected or Confirmed Employee Infection
- Should an ICD employee have a confirmed (or suspected) infection, ICD will follow the guidelines as defined by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and local health organizations regarding an appropriate response.
- Employee presents with personal illness symptoms and has a non-negative screening through XstremeMD for COVID-19:
- Employee will report to approved clinic for rapid and PCR testing.
- If the employee’s rapid test is non-negative, the employee will quarantine at home while awaiting PCR results.
- If the employee’s rapid test is negative, the employee will quarantine in company quarters (field-based personnel) and await PCR results.
- In either scenario, if the employee’s PCR results are non-negative, the employee is to quarantine at home for a ten-day period.
- Employees may be allowed to return to work upon completing the required quarantine period.
- Employees that may have had close contact with an individual whose PCR results were non-negative will have a rapid test administered and will be sent home to quarantine for a ten-day period if their results are non-negative
- Employees who have potentially been exposed while at home or in public will only be allowed to return to work after having completed the ten day quarantine period.
- ICD support-based residents may be required to work from home until such time as it is deemed safe to return to the ICD location they support.
- ICD rig and support based commuters may be required to stay home or report to another ICD location for the duration of their hitch until such time as it is deemed safe to return the ICD location they are assigned.
- ICD will communicate regularly with all employees and customers regarding the measures we are taking to ensure our employees safety.
In all scenarios, ICD will ensure employees have access to hand washing facilities, hand sanitizers, tissues, no touch trash cans, hand soap and disposable towels.
Employees should not report to work while they are ill (fever of 100.4 degrees F or 37.8 degrees C or higher). The CDC recommends that people remain home at least 24 hours after they are free of fever or signs of a fever without the use of fever reducing medications.
Employees who report to work ill will be sent home in accordance with these health guidelines.
ICD reserves the right to require acceptable confirmation of the nature and extent of any illness or injury that requires an employee to be absent from scheduled work. ICD also may require a second and, if necessary, third medical opinion regarding an employee’s absence because of illness or injury.
Employees who become ill must report immediately to their supervisors. The Department Head (for support-based personnel) or Rig Manager (for rig-based personnel) will arrange for examination and treatment as required. The Rig Manager, any member of management, HSE, or XstremeMD medical professional are authorized to have the employee transferred to an outside medical facility for treatment or assessment.
ICD will provide annual training on the prevention of infectious diseases. Employees will be required to satisfactorily pass this training within their assigned timeframe. Annual tabletop drills will be conducted on this plan to ensure committee members have a clear understanding of their responsibilities. These drills will conclude with a SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats) Analysis.